
三星SSD Magician 程序下载

字号+ 作者:hanyufeng 来源: 2015-08-22 16:08:36 我要评论( ) 阅读:

Samsung Magician;三星固态硬盘优化软件,支持三星全系列SSD...

Samsung Magician

Samsung Magician 是三星公司的固态硬盘优化软件,支持三星全系列SSD,包括三星470系列、830系列、840系列等。

Magician 可开启三星SSD最大性能,读写速度提升显著。

The Magician SSD management utility is designed to work with all Samsung SSD products, including 470 Series, 830 Series, 840 Series and 850 Series. This software is not compatible with other manufacturer's SSDs.
